Blessed Carlo Acutis once said: “They have to see, they have to understand.” A big part of the New Evangelization is using all means of social media to share the victory and salvation found in Christ Jesus.
At Catholics for Hire, we take this seriously. Social media isn’t just about getting the most likes or subscribers. Rather, it is a tool to facilitate an ENCOUNTER with a PERSON, who died so that we might live.
Manage Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Accounts
Build Social Media Branding
Use Search Engine Optimization so your content is heard
Social Media Campaign Examples
$35 Facebook Campaign

$400 Google Campaign

America Needs Fatima
The Catholic University of America School of Theology and Religious Studies
The Catholic University of America School of Sociology
The Catholic University of America School of Economics
Cedar of Lebanon NFP Center
Clarifying Catholicism
The Magdalenian